by Sam Diment | Nov 21, 2022 | Churchers News, criminal-defence
Most people are aware that you are allowed to use force to protect yourself or another person, to protect property, to prevent crime, or to assist in a lawful arrest. However, this does not mean that you can act in a way that seems extreme given the circumstances. For...
by Sam Diment | Oct 24, 2022 | Churchers News, criminal-defence, Road-traffic-offences Team
E-scooters are quickly rising in popularity, but before you use one it is important you understand the laws on their use or you could find yourself needing our help. If you own an e-scooter, it can only be used on private land. The only time an e-scooter can be used...
by Sam Diment | Aug 24, 2022 | Churchers News, criminal-defence
If the police have asked you to attend the police station you might be feeling a bit worried and wondering what your options and rights are. Firstly, although it is a ‘voluntary’ interview, it is probably not in your interests to simply refuse to attend at all. You...
by Sam Diment | Aug 1, 2022 | Churchers News, criminal-defence, Industry News
Most people are aware that it is a criminal offence to have in their possession an offensive weapon or knife in a public place. This is a very serious offence and the maximum sentence is four years in prison. In July 2021, the Offensive Weapons Act brought into force...