Fixed Fee Initial Trust Review
Trusts are a complex area of law and individuals can be found personally liable if they fail to meet their obligations as a Trustee. It is therefore vital to obtain specialist legal advice when dealing with trusts of any nature.
Churchers offer a fixed fee of £795 + VAT for an initial trust review. This service is suitable for those with any type of trust or trust-related query (whether you are a trustee or a beneficiary), and will allow you to get quick, specialist advice, giving you the information necessary to make informed decisions with complete transparency as to costs.
Our fixed fee covers:
• an initial discussion of your query
• a review of the trust deeds and associated documents
• a letter of advice confirming the current position, identifying any issues of concern and outlining options and associated costs
Where additional work is required a more detailed estimate would be provided within the letter of advice, giving you the opportunity to consider how you wish to proceed. The cost of legal advice to trustees is commonly payable as an expense from the trust fund and this can be confirmed upon review of the trust deeds.
To make an appointment with one of our specialist Trust Solicitors please call our Portsmouth office on 023 92820 747.