Check your property now, before problems arise. The following is a guide to action you should consider taking;
- Service the boiler. With cold weather approaching the boiler will be in constant use. Has it been serviced? Is the gas safety certificate up to date?
- Clear the gutters. Leaves and debris could cause rain water to build up, leading to damp and problems that the tenant will not be responsible for.
- Do water pipes need cladding to prevent them freezing? Tenants liability will not usually extend to burst pipes.
- Autumn brings on the damp. Get your property checked as you don’t want it to take hold, which could end up with a visit from an Environmental Health Officer.
- Check your occupiers. You don’t want a claim for adverse possession. Is granny coming for Christmas or for good?
Taking these simple steps now can avoid a painful and often expensive process of recovery or repair later.
If you need any help or advice, please call Ian Heal on 02392 820 747.
September 2017