Regardless of whether or not your name is on the title to a property you may be in a position to claim a share of sale proceeds. This can arise if you have made a significant financial contribution toward the property. A contribution could include one or more of the following:
- Making monies available to pay for or partly fund a deposit.
- Making payments toward a mortgage, irrespective of whether you actually borrowed the amount to be repaid.
- Spending money on the property to improve it (for instance by financing a new extension, conservatory, kitchen or bathroom, etc).
- Working on the property yourself to improve it.
Even if your name isn’t on the title to a property, there can be potential for a dispute to arise concerning respective shares in any sale proceeds. In all cases, it is important to take legal advice at an early stage.
We can provide you with an opinion regarding the merit of bringing or defending a claim. We can also enter into negotiations on your behalf with another party in a bid to settle a dispute in a timely and cost-effective way.
Ultimately, if court proceedings are commenced we can represent you at all stages up to and including a trial.
If you have any concerns relating to property ownership, get in touch with a member of the Dispute Resolution team on 01329 822 333.