This month, Peter Swirles (85) married his 91-year-old sweetheart, Jean Robson, in a Wiltshire care home. Proof if ever it were needed that it is never too late to find love. In their case, it was actually a long time coming. The couple had been dating for 26 years but with modern technology and new ways to connect, more and more people are coming together and finding love later in life.
Whether it’s a full-on rush down the aisle or just a companion to spend some time with, there are some things which older love birds may wish to give some thought to.
Faye Evans, Partner, says “finding a new partner in your later years can be a more complex matter than when you were a footloose and fancy-free twenty-something.
Where individuals have had previous marriages, or long term relationships, and perhaps have their own children and grandchildren to think of, it is wise to take the time to consider your respective legal and financial positions. Wills, co-habitation agreements and the like may not generally be the subject of pillow talk, and they are definitely not sexy, but neither is the family fall-out that can ensue when we do not carefully put our affairs in order.
As spring is springing and love is in the air, take a moment to think and talk about what is important to each of you. How are your respective families to be provided for? How is your paramour to be cared for and protected? Are you throwing your lot in together or keeping everything entirely separate? What would happen if things don’t work out and you end up going your separate ways?
There is no such thing as a common-law wife but there is such a thing as an unmarried partner suddenly finding they have no legal right to stay in the house after the death of their other half”.
A full and frank discussion with a specialist solicitor can help new couples to ensure that those they love, and the things that are important to them, are protected. That gives you the peace of mind to be able to get on with living your life and enjoying those you are living it with.
If you feel this is something you do need to speak to a solicitor about, Faye can be contacted on 023 9282 0747 or by clicking on her profile where you can email her direct. You can also find additional information on ‘Managing Your Affairs’ here.