Most people are aware that you are allowed to use force to protect yourself or another person, to protect property, to prevent crime, or to assist in a lawful arrest. However, this does not mean that you can act in a way that seems extreme given the circumstances.
For example, if you believe that somebody is about to hurt you but you respond by using a weapon, it is unlikely that the court will find that you were acting in self-defence. Your response would be deemed excessive.
Self-defence is not a “get out of jail free” card and every assault case will be assessed on its individual circumstances.
At Churchers we have a specialist team who regularly deal with anything from a simple assault to murder cases. Our lawyers are highly experienced in dealing with these matters in both the Magistrates’ and Crown Court.
If you are facing a criminal investigation or proceedings for any assault charges or would like more advice or information then please contact our criminal defence team, or call 02392 820 747.