If you were the driver or passenger of a vehicle involved in an accident, you must now submit your claim through using the Official Injury Claims portal in the first instance. The portal is set up for members of the public to submit claims without the assistance of a solicitor.
If your claim for your injuries is worth £5,000 or less, or your whole claim is worth no more than £10,000, the portal will guide you through the process to a conclusion. You will receive a fixed sum of compensation.
If the evidence gathered makes you eligible for compensation exceeding the above figures your claim will exit the portal. You can then instruct a solicitor to continue dealing with your claim on your behalf. You will be able to recover some legal costs from the other person’s insurer.
If you were a pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist, pillion passenger or were under 18 years old when the accident happened, you do not need to use the portal and can instruct a solicitor straight away to help with your claim.
If you would like further information on personal injury claims arising from road traffic accidents, please email Claire Bond or contact her on 023 9282 0747 .